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Language Contact and Multilingualism in South Tyrol and East Belgium

Project Lead: Claudia Maria Riehl

Project Sponsor: DFG (Habilitationsstipendium)

Project Phase: 1993-1997

In this project, the influence of language and cultural contact on text writing was evaluated. An extensive body of narrative, descriptive, instructive and argumentative texts was collected in schools in South Tyrol and East Belgium. Texts collected in Germany served as a control group. The influences of the contact language on the different types of texts were analyzed. Approximately 2,500 student texts that have been published on a CD-ROM comprise the corpus.

Riehl, Claudia Maria (2001): Schreiben, Text und Mehrsprachigkeit. Zur Textproduktion in mehrsprachigen Gesellschaften am Beispiel der deutschsprachigen Minderheiten in Südtirol und Ostbelgien (inkl. Textcorpus von Schülertexten auf CD-ROM). Tübingen: Stauf­fenburg 2001 (Tertiärsprachen und Mehrsprachigkeit 4).
